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Thursday, October 20, 2011


I used to hold my farts in
my parents said
it was polite.
No wonder I spent my younger days
being so uptight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Turtle in a Flash!

Well, three days or a week or something (the details are a bit hazy from staring at the computer for longer and closer than my mom said was healthy when I was younger) and all I have to show for it is an animated painted turtle that crawls off the screen. Aauughh! Little details going back and forth between the tutorials and the software. Trying to figure out where the such-and-such tool is and what it's icon looks like. Then rewinding to remember what it was I was supposed to do with that tool. Then trying to figure out why it wasn't working. Then trying to remember out where that youtube video was that shows the next step. And finally after all that giving it back to Chelas and having her attach it to the video we shot...and then the damn little happy turtle just up and crawls off the screen with no thanks at all.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I love living in the future!

In 2001 I took a trip to NYC and in the window display of a Times Square shop where the primary items for sale were models of the Statue of Liberty and "I <3 NY" t-shirts I saw a pair of sunglasses looking tv screens. They were about an inch thick at the centers, and as suave as the hottest sunglasses from the eighties. I realized right then that I lived in the future. The flying cars that were predicted in the Jetsons were being developed by Moller (still in development now in 2011).  Since then I constantly find I still believe it to be true, (although I do still feel that we are living in the dark ages of medical science). I see us with a global network of communication from handheld posting of pictures taken with our smartphones directly uploaded to social networks and viewed by our friends (and prospective employers) around town and around the world. I have finally practiced my way to a reasonable typing speed (by using passwords that use letters and numbers less common and forcing myself to use proper hand placement on the keyboard while imputing them. The future still seems a little humdrum at times, especially when I have to learn CSS and HTML and Java and Flash and more just to make a freakin' simple website. And then there's having to post to the various blogs regularly, and still have time to create new works of art, and go walking, and remembering to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and I'm not even getting much time to go out and party anymore. Well I did have a fantastic time in the AZ desert near the turn of the millennium and you can be sure many stories will come out of that on here or another of my blogs soon (when I realized that it was half-way through 1999 and I would never have another chance to "Party like it's 1999" I went into party mode full bore).  Anyway this whole web/website world is new to me and taking more of my time than I wish to get it going, even though I know that once it is built it will be fabulous and as long as I learn well I will be able to expand it with little input. Next step is to learn how to blog from my phone.  What a long strange trip it's been (so far!).

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I saw all the Penn State students collecting for cancer and I wonder where all the money goes to.

It seems to me that the connection of pesticides and antibiotics, whose purposes are to kill or inhibit competitive life forms needs to be investigated.

Possibly our attempt to prolong human life is turning into a success, just a bit uncontrolled.